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The Lantern Corps pt. 1

Since the occurrences of Blackest Night, heck even reaching up into the Sinestro Corps War there have been a lot of changes Lantern wise in the Green Lantern universe. Here is a look at all of the Lantern Corps, their leaders and their abilities. Some of this was explained in the book Blackest Night number 0, but new happenings have brought about massive changes.

The Green Lantern Corps: Will Power

Run by the Guardians of the Universe the Green Lantern Corps is the premiere police force in the universe. Returning from the brink after Hal Jordan was possessed by the entity known as Parallax and nearly destroyed the Corps. The only remaining Guardian, Ganthet, charged Kyle Rayner with being the last to hold the ring of a Green Lantern and as Kyle paid his dues he also made the Lanterns proud. After absorbing the rest of the Green Lantern energy from when Hal Jordan re-lit the sun Kyle poured all of that energy into the battery on Oa bringing back the guardians. As Hal Jordan was reborn so was the Corps with him bringing back John Stewart, Kilowog, and Guy Gardener. Run on the willpower of the wielder a Green Lantern ring will bring to life whatever the wearer can imagine. At one point its weakness, but as Lanterns grow that weakness vanishes as they learn to overcome great fear.
Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.

The Sinetros Corps: Fear

At one time Sinestro was the greatest of the Green Lantern corps, but feeling the Guardians were wrong Sinestro was imprisoned with the Green power batter on Oa. Brought back to face off with Hal Jordan when he had gone mad Sinestro was thought to be killed when Jordan snapped his neck, but to the dismay of everyone he survived and returned when Hal did in rebirth.
Forming his own Corps based on Fear, the Sinestro Corps, Sinestro’s rings sought out the most terrifying beings within the entirety of the universe. Starting a war with many super powers on his side such as Cyborg Superman, Superboy Prime, and the Anti-Monitor, Sinestro invaded Earth and Oa trying to become the on Corps in the universe. With help of the Earth superheroes the Sinestro Corps was defeated, but not gone. It later came into play during Blackest Night teaming with all the Corps, although there is a truce in place for the moment who knows how long until Sinestro takes up arms against Jordan and the rest of the corps.

Agent Orange: Avarice

Larfleeze is the sole wielder of the Orange Light of Avarice, it was wielded for a short time by Lex Luthor and an even shorter time by Hal Jordan, but not without Larfleeze attacking Lex and Hal for touching what is his. Larfleeze was part of a guild of thieves when the looted the planet Maltus and within their stolen goods they found a box and a map that led them to the planet Okaara. Using the map they found the orange lantern and then fought amongst themselves as the lantern spoke to them. There were two left standing when the Guardians showed up, they made a deal with Larfleeze and the remaining thief, they would get the box (it is said that it contained Parallax) and in return would allow only one of the thieves to wield the orange light as long as it never left the Vega system.  The thieves agreed and Larfleeze walked out victorious.
The Orange light makes the wielder want everything and anything, Larfleeze rather then sharing the light kills and then steals the information and forms of the people he killed to form his Orange Lantern Corps. They act with his and only his commands and are merely memories. Larfleeze is everything Avarice truly is and although his attitude seems silly he is not to be taken lightly. Since Blackest Night the Guardian Sayd has become Larfleeze Guardian, she said she would if he helped during the battle. No one knows what Larfleeze has been up to since Blackest Night but nothing good can come from it.

Star Sapphires: Love

There are two significant changes that have happened with the Star Sapphires the first one being they have changed, the Zamarons have fully joined the war and the Star Sapphire has been transformed into a ring rather then the gem that possessed Carol Ferris for years. Although it is the power of love the further away from the middle of the emotional spectrum the more influence the ring has over the wielder (see the opposite side of the spectrum Red Lanterns.)
Carol Ferris is one of the first to willfully take up the Violet Light and faces off against the Black Lanterns, but there is a full Corps now. They Sapphires have shown numerous abilities that deal with love. These range from bringing someone back from death, this occurred with Kyle Rayner in Blackest Night when he took a Alpha Lanterns lantern and it blew up with him in the middle of a great deal of Black Lanterns. It also has the ability to overcome most rings and allow the wearer to find their one true love. They have the ability to utilize it as a very powerful weapon as well fighting side by side with others when needed.
Carol Ferris still wields the Violet Light as a precaution since Blackest Night, but we shall see what truly occurs and if the light has her or if she has the light.

Stay tuned for the rest of the Lantern Corps to come sometime this week.


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Comments (2)

I do believe these wonderful rings deserve a contest. What says you (Not So) Silent Mike?

Indeed I do believe that the rings could shine a little light on a contest for folks

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