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Comic Booked DCU Online League!


The Crimson Blur is here and I have a full league behind me, who has my back! That’s right, I’m talking about the League I lead on DC Universe Online. We have our own Comic Booked league and we are expanding! Over 160 members strong and we are only growing faster every day.

So consider this a recruitment/informative post about our league and what we want to do with it in the near future. Believe me, we have BIG plans. So you definitely want to join as soon as possible!

So let’s start with the basics, we are a hero league on The Killing Joke server. I lead the team with my trusted “Elite 3” to have my back or manage the league when I’m gone. I’ll explain the Elite 3 later, let’s get back to me! 🙂 (Contact the Elite 3 or myself for details on joining)

DCU Online League

Sorry about the picture quality, I don’t know how to do a screen shot on a ps3!

But anyways this is me, your future leader! I’m a brawler/speedster that has most, if not all of Superman’s powers. (That is a ‘B’ for BLUR, not an 8. haha) I like to stay in hyper speed and take down all of the bad guys before they have a chance to attack! You can count on me using my speed to defend my allies!

Crimson Blur-

DCU Online League

Elite member #1- Mystery hero…”ComicBooked” This guy is the real power behind our league. Our CEO here at Comic Booked is so awesome that he has joined the league with us. He is a power-beam-blasting force to be reckoned with. He shoots beams, flies, and most importantly…saves my neck whenever I least expect it! A flying red and white streak swoops in and saves me all the time!

DCU Online League

Elite Member #2- Our next featured league member is The BlueJay! He is like a Robin 2.0. He uses his staff, gadgets, and gliding abilities to protect Gotham and keep his team safe. Since he’s a skilled player and a Comic Booked veteran, he immediately raised through the ranks and hasn’t looked back. He kicks villain butt all while lookin’ super cool.

The BlueJay-

DCU Online League

Elite Member #3- Last, but definitely not least is my good friend Divine Arrow. I’ve known him since 2001 and we’ve been stomping evil in different games and universes ever since. He is our savior! A healer/archer who always knows how to keep us alive against our biggest threats. This strategic genius knows the maps, powers, and levels better than anyone. He’s also going to be our Forum guy, so get to know him!

Divine Arrow-

We are going to have League contests, prizes, promotions, raids, alerts, and most importantly…a League forum! I will be posting the link EVERYWHERE once it’s launched. But for now, join our FB group and keep in touch. Comic Booked is on the rise, we need you to join and keep our momentum going in the right direction.

Please message me, Divine Arrow, or The BlueJay with any questions/comments/concerns/recruitment!

Thank you and I hope I see you in the game!

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Comments (9)

Or you can just comment here if you want to get in touch with the league. Thanks for ANY support you guys!

Dude great piece! Our league is going to decimate all through DCUO!

You know it man! We just have to make sure everyone sees this post before the forum launches!

Nice work! ComicBooked league with surpass all!

We are over 260 members strong…:D

hi i am looking for a hero league on the killing joke for ps3. i am just starting out and have reached lvl 11 today. i am a fire/brawler/flight hero named(Captian Awsome). i am an active military member and have played mmo's since coh realease. feel free to hit me up in game or by email.

So i just hit 30 and want to get Tier 1 gear. i have tons of missions I wanna do but can't solo. I'm all about teamwork, just as long as I get help on my missions too (call it a give and take thing)

I am looking for a league too. Level 30 hero and I am pretty much stuck on my own…

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