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Independent Comic Spotlight: Gargoyle by Moonlight

Gargoyle by Moonlight

Welcome back to another installment of Independent Comic Spotlight!  For this round, we’ve got the premiere issue of a fun little creator-owned comic with just the right amount of humor, action, and the supernatural.  This is by far one of the best indy comics I’ve read in years.  Gargoyle by Moonlight is definitely a comic to watch.

Moonrise Comics presents its newest creation, a superhero one-and-done tale (for now) about an everyman cursed with the ability to become a, well, Gargoyle by Moonlight.  Tim Bach’s dialogue is some of the best I’ve seen in an indy comic and the artwork of Brian Atkins is on par with some of the best stuff coming out of the Big Two today.  This is a comic that deserves to be on the shelves with the best of the best.  And I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing more of its characters, especially the hero.  He’s every bit as funny as Spider-Man, every bit as tragic as the Thing, and just the perfect amount of unique that it takes to get people interested in trying something new.  The action is well-paced, and the plot, though basic and very much an introductory issue, walks the fine line between challenging veteran comic fans and not scaring off newbies.

I could go on for pages and pages, but I think the creators have done a pretty stellar job promoting this book with their very own trailer.  That’s right.  Not only is their comic awesome, but they’ve went above and beyond and made their very own preview for those who would dare doubt their product.  Here it is:

[embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”610″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=FgT_kLsd7k8&width=610&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6266″ /]

See?  What did I tell you?  Buy this comic.  Write its creators.  And force them to make more.

My Rating: 5/5

Have a comic you want reviewed?  Is it awesome?  Sweet.  Email me at to get a mailing address and we’ll get you featured on the next Independent Comic Spotlight…  Especially if your comic is as good as this one!

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